Acne Treatment Specialist Katy TX. - How to Get Rid Of Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects an estimated 85 percent of people at one point during their lives.

The pimples that cause frustration and can be difficult to get rid.

While conventional treatments can remove pimples, they're often associated with adverse consequences, like skin irritation and dryness.

Many people are turning to natural remedies to eliminate their pimples. There are many remedies for acne that are natural, however only a handful have been scientifically proven to work.

What exactly is a pimple? And why do they occur?

We must first be aware of the root cause of every skin problem before we can treat it effectively. Let's take a look at the basics of pimples.

What is a pimple? These are pores that have become clogged with oil (called Sebum) and dead skin cells. Pimples are small red bumps that develop when pores become blocked. Also, blocked pores can result in blackheads (clogged opened pores) or whiteheads(clogged closed pores). Or worse pustules that are inflamed which cause painful and difficult cysts.

What causes acne? There are many things that cause pimples. A lot of these causes are due to hormonal changes. The hormonal changes that occur during puberty, and for women, menopause and pregnancy may cause excessive oil production, and/or the reduction of the skin's cells. Don't forget the monthly period. These changes combined with the monthly period could trigger normal skin bacteria to take over in the pore. The resulting bacterial overgrowth can cause irritation website to the skin and causes pimples to become more prominent.

Some treatments are:

  • Utilizing a body wash that contains benzoyl peroxide. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggests leaving the body wash on the back or chest for 2-5 minutes prior to washing. It is possible to apply a 5.3% solution for sensitive skin. People with oily skin can use as much as a 10% solution.

  • Applying 0.1 percent of adapalene gel to all lesion on the skin. The gel can also be bought over-the-counter. A device can be purchased to help those who have difficulties reaching their backs to apply gel.

  • It is important to change your clothes right after exercising to minimize sweat and oil build-up. Wiping your skin with a cotton pad or flannel could be helpful.

  • Avoid picking at pimples, or scratching them. This can lead to more severe symptoms.

  • Make sure to use sunscreens that are oil-free when out in the sun. Manufacturers may label these products as non-comedogenic. Using these can help read more keep oil from accumulating on the skin.

  • Always use oil- and fragrance-free lotions. Avoiding oils and scents on areas that are prone to acne on the body will reduce the likelihood for body acne breakouts.

Keep these things in mind and talk to an acne specialist who will examine your lifestyle, skin, medications, and other factors to find a holistic way to resolve your acne problems.

Anita's Skin Care Clinic in Katy TX is such a acne specialist that will guide you on the best approach to treat your acne issue.

Did you know that there are acne imposters? Find out more about them here.

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